As we look forward to the year ahead, my team and I paused to reflect on the accomplishments we reached for our clients and for our company.

We’re excited about the successes we helped our clients obtain in 2010:

  • Developed a business process to review and improve over 3,000 merger communications, easing the transition for millions of banking customers across the country
  • Created the strategy and analytics to provide Voice of the Customer insights to our clients, helping them to highlight and address key areas of improvement for the customer experience
  • Provided guidance and project support for the primary mailing sent to 1.1 million high-value brokerage clients
  • Helped to implement the client’s new brand strategy by contributing to brand policies, resources, and training
  • Designed and conducted a study of internal email communications, synthesized the results, and used the lessons to drive new internal communications programs and employee engagement

This was also an important year for us:

  • Added the talents of 3 new members of our team: Joshua, Patrina, and Brandon
  • Exhibited at our first trade show, IBM’s Information on Demand in Las Vegas
  • Received important recognition from Forrester Research as one of the top 7 boutique customer experience consulting firms, and one of the top 15 nationally, of any size
  • Grew our online presence through the successful evolution of our blog, and the growth of our Twitter followers to over 400

We’ve been busy, and it shows. I can’t wait to review the state of our business at the end of 2011. Stay tuned!