
2024 :: In the News

2023 :: In the News

2022 :: In the News

Analytics Leaders Matrix

2021 :: In the News

Analytics Leaders Matrix

2020 :: In the News

Analytics Leaders Matrix

2019 :: In the News

12.15.19 (CIO Applications) Beyond the Arc: Simplifying Data Science for Enhanced Customer Experiences
10.25.19 (Clutch) Top Data Analytics Companies in San Francisco – Leaders Matrix
7.19.19 (CustomerThink) 3 top ways to communicate better with customers
7.18.19 (CustomerThink) Good, bad, or indifferent: Influencing emotion in customer experience
6.26.19 (CustomerThink) 5 Tips to increase emotional appeal in your customer experience
6.19.19 (Jack Henry Blog) Innovation on Tap at FinovateSpring 2019
6.12.19 (Finovate Blog) Experts Look Beyond the Incumbents: Why Smaller Players are Winning
6.10.19 (Finovate TV) Innovation in Community Banking
6.10.19 (Finovate TV) Partnerships, Pain Points, and Improving CX
6.3.19 (Finovate TV) Fintech, CX, and Challenger Banks
6.1.19 (Finovate eMagazine) Hear it from the experts: behind the scenes interviews from FinovateSpring
5.23.19 (Finovate TV) Digital banking in the gig economy
5.23.19 (Finovate TV) Top trends in Fintech, AI, and Customer Experience
5.28.19 (Toolbox Tech) FinovateSpring: It’s All In The Way You Communicate
5.1.19 (The Money Cloud) FinovateSpring’s Friday Finale Tackles Fintech’s Toughest Topics
4.26.19 (The Money Cloud) From Product to Solution: The Evolving Role of the Customer in Technology
3.11.19 (CustomerThink) CX in 2019: Top customer experience trends to keep on your radar
3.8.19 (CustomerThink) Tech in 2019: Top digital trends for tomorrow’s customer experience
3.5.19 (Emerj) Predictive Analytics for Marketing – What’s Possible and How it Works
2.7.19 (Carpenter Group) Bank On It at Finovate2018 in New York
1.7.19 (Financial Brand) Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions For 2019
1.4.19 (CIO Review) Beyond the Arc: Transforming Business Through Advanced Data Analytics
1.3.19 (Customer Think) Digital disruption: How’s your company responding?
Analytics Leaders Matrix
Analytics Leaders Matrix

2018 :: In the News

12.27.18 (My Customer) Digital disruption: How’s your company responding?
12.7.18 (My Customer) 5 Ways to Connect with Commercial Bank Customers
11.30.18 (Clutch) Companies on the Exclusive 2018 Clutch 1000 Announced Today
9.28.18 (Satoshi Nakamoto Blog) Bringing legacy banks into the 21st century – FinTech Futures
9.28.18 (Banking Tech) Video playlist: bringing legacy banks into the 21st century
9.28.18 (Finovate TV) Steven Ramirez: “5 years ago no-one was talking about CX, now everyone is”
9.28.18 (American Banker) The Challenge for Virtual Banking: Getting Bots to Care
8.23.18 (CustomerThink) Employee engagement – 3 essentials to build a passionate brand culture
8.18.18 (Insights Success) Beyond the Arc: A Strategic Way to Communicate, Analyze, and Engage
8.9.18 (Customer Think) Leverage Social Media Complaints To Improve Customer Experience
7.27.18 (Customer Think) Rules For Handling Customer Complaints To The Media
6.3.18 (Consumer Reports) Deadline Looms for Public to Weigh In on Consumer Complaint Database
5.17.18 (Breaking Banks) Finovate: Past, Present and Future
4.20.18 (Customer Think) Culture Transformation: 4 Ways to Empower Employees to Deliver Delight
3.31.18 (Customer Think) Transforming Negative Customer Experience into Loyalty Moments
3.27.18 (Mirror Review) 5 Best Big Data Quotes from The 10 Most Promising Big Data Solution Providers of 2017
3.6.18 (The Financial Brand) Will Amazon Offer The Best Digital Checking Account Ever?
1.7.18 (The Financial Brand) 10 Social Media Tips for Banks and Credit Unions

Steven J. Ramirez, CEO

As head of business operations, Steven leads teams specializing in customer experience strategy, communications and content marketing, customer analytics, and PR and social media.

We help our clients build strong customer relationships, improve service and manage risk, advance key initiatives, and drive a customer-centric culture. More about Steven…

2017 :: In the News

12.1.17 (Mirror Review) Beyond the Arc: A Leader, Innovating the Customer Experience
9.21.17 (CU Times) Credit Unions and Fintech: What’s the Future?
9.20.17 (Money Summit) VIDEO: Steven Ramirez, CEO at Beyond the Arc, on Predictive Analytics
9.12.17 (American Banker) Banks and fintechs should partner to turn payments into a ‘platform’
9.12.17 (PaymentSource) Banks and fintechs should partner to turn payments into a ‘platform’
7.25.17 (Tearsheet) This call may be recorded: Bank execs are listening to customer service calls
7.5.17 (Predictive Analytics Times) Predictive Analytics for Fintech and Banking
June 2017 (BOOK) Bankruption: How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech (Contributed chapter on fintech)
4.27.17 (Bank Innovation) Popularity of Customer Engagement Tools Reveals Weakness of Cores
3.15.17 (Financial Brand) Is Predictive Analytics For Everyone? Or Just Megabanks?
2.27.17 (NG Data) Guide to Customer Insights
2.10.17 (Consumer Reports) Days May Be Numbered for the Consumer Complaint Database
1.5.17 (NG Data) Top Customer Analytics Blogs

2015 :: In the News

12.21.15 (Financial Brand) Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2016
9.24.15 (Financial Brand) Account Opening and Onboarding Solutions Dominate Finovate
8.18.15 (Destination CRM) At CRM Evolution, Relevance and Incremental Improvement Are the Keys to Company Growth
7.18.15 (Banking Exchange) Is Big Text the Next Big Thing?
7.15.15 (IG) Predictive Analytics – Enterprise Alchemy
6.2.15 (Financial Brand) 3 Fintech Innovation Trends Banking Should Watch
5.10.15 (Predictive Analytics Times) Leveraging Open Data: Improve Customer Experience and Drive New Market Opportunities
5.1.15 (Mortgage Banking) Five Business Opportunities You Can’t Ignore
4.1.15 (Servicing Mgmt) Using Consumer Feedback to Reduce Risk
4.1.15 (TechTarget) Analytics boost the customer experience in multiple channels
4.1.15 (ABA Bank Marketing) Leveraging Mobile Technology
4.1.15 (Scotsman Guide) Attract More Customers With the Right Nectar
2.20.15 (Enterprise Apps Today) 6 Tech Trends Shaping Financial Services
2.1.15 (Destination CRM) Predictive Analytics Will Be a $2.3 Billion Market by 2019
1.13.15 (Bloomberg Banking Report) Growing Complaint Volume to CFPB Reveals Consumer Sore Spots, New and Old
1.1.15 (Transaction News) Predictions 2015

2014 :: In the News

12.29.14 (SecureIDNews) The true cost of identity
11.21.14 (1to1 Media) Want to Drive Action With Your VoC Program? Cater to Your Internal Customers!
10.21.14 (Bank Director) What’s Working and Why (pdf)
10.21.14 (American Banker) One Man’s Creepy Is Another’s Targeted: Data-Privacy Gray Areas
1.10.15 (Scotsman Guide) Blast Off With Public Data (pdf)
9.5.14 (1to1 Media) Find Your Partner On The Path To Customer Obsession
8.26.14 (American Banker) How To Enhance Your Mobile App-eal
8.22.14 (CustomerThink) CRM Evolution 2014 Conference Re-cap
7.17.14 (ABA Banking Journal) Branch closures hit suburbs hardest
7.1.14 (Mortgage Banking) Turning Lemons into Lemonade (pdf)
6.24.14 (SupplyChainDemand Executive) Research Firm SourcingLine Compiles List of Preeminent Big Data Companies
6.13.14 (Fortune) These big data companies are ones to watch
6.1.14 (American Banker) Metrics & Measures – Customer Complaints
5.19.14 (DataInformed) Use Predictive Analytics to Improve the Customer Experience
5.14.14 (CIOReview) Top 100 Most Promising Big Data Companies
5.1.14 (Bank Systems & Tech) Banks Position Themselves For Mobile Banking 2.0 (pdf)
4.23.14 (BAI Banking Strategies) Heading Off Complaints at the Database
3.17.14 (CMS Wire) The Dollars and Sense of Sentiment
2.25.14 (DataInformed) Leveraging Regulatory Data to Improve the Customer Experience
2.12.14 (Bank Credit News) Customer Experience
2.1.14 (SourcingLine) Top Big Data & BI Consulting Companies (Beyond the Arc named a Market Leader)
2.1.14 (National Mortgage Professional) Social Media Analysis in Lending: The New Frontier for Growing Business and Satisfying Customers
2.1.14 (TAG Radio FinTech Podcast) Social Media Analysis in Lending: The New Frontier for Growing Business and Satisfying Customers
1.31.14 (William Mills Agency) Bankers as Buyers 2014 Report
1.20.14 (1to1 Media) Giving Data a Seat in the Boardroom
1.3.14 (Fox Business) Banks Take Baby Steps Into Social Media
Jan 2014 (CIO Review) Powering Consumers with Big Data

2013 :: In the News

12.31.13 ( Banks baby-step into social media
12.1.13 (Mortgage Banker) Know Thy Customer
11.1.13 (Scotsman Guide) Uncover a Treasure Trove of Data (pdf)
10.31.13 (CIO Review) Transforming Business through Advanced Analytics
10.1.13 (Financial Brand) Mining the CFPB Complaint Database to Improve Your Customer Experience
9.30.13 (FinTech Insights) Using social media in banking for customer insights and managing risk
9.6.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Segmentation matters more than ever
9.1.13 (ABA Bank Marketing) Other Ways to Gauge Customer Satisfaction
7.26.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Gearing Up for Social Media Risk Management
7.10.13 (BAI Banking Strategies) Leveraging CFPB Complaint Data
5.12.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Transform your bank with social media insights
5.1.13 (American Banker) Discover Ads Brag About Treating Cardholders Fairly
5.1.13 (Scotsman Guide) Divide and Group Your Client Base
4.26.13 (TechPresident) CFPB’s Search For Better Data On Consumer Complaints
4.15.13 (Avantus) Lenders and brokers already changing with CFPB complaint database
4.10.13 (Federal Register) CFPB Rules & Regulations (BTA cited pg 4)
4.4.13 (Businessweek) Banks Roused by the CFPB’s Database of Complaints
3.26.13 (Bloomberg) Upper West Side Joins Boca in Most Credit-Card Complaints
3.11.13 (Bank Innovation) Increasing Customer Acquisition and Retention with Predictive Analytics
3.7.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Staying ahead of customer complaints using social media
2.12.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Shrinking the Experience Gap
2.1.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Is Social Media (Really) Paying Off for Your Bank?
2.1.13 (National Mortgage Professional) The Customer Experience as a Competitive Advantage
1.31.13 (FinExtra) Banking Leaders Predict Retail Banking Trends for 2013
1.10.13 (ABA Banking Journal) Using CFPB’s Complaint Database to Retain Customers

2012 :: In the News

12.18.12 (Digital Draw) Find the ROI in Social Media Campaigns
12.1.12 (ABA Banking Journal) The acceleration of analytics
12.1.12 (Executive Travel) How Data Mining Impacts Your Travel
11.16.12 (ABA Banking Journal) After Sandy: Maintaining a positive customer experience
10.19.12 (ABA Banking Journal) MARKETING: Listening to the voice of the customer
10.12.12 (BAI Banking Strategies) Learning from Customers in Social Media
9.13.12 (DataInformed) Improving the Effectiveness of Customer Sentiment Analysis
9.4.12 (Loyalty360) Five Best Practices for Voice of Customer for Financial Services
8.24.12 (ABA Banking Journal) Maximizing Twitter for better social media success for your bank
7.6.12 (ABA Banking Journal Changing Negative Social Sentiment into Positive Customer Experiences
7.1.12 (Loyalty Management) The Many Roles Social Media Plays in Loyalty (pdf)
6.1.12 (Credit Union Magazine) Social Media – It’s time to gauge its effectiveness
5.11.12 (CU Management) Social Media and Complaints: Transform negative sentiment into a winning customer experience
5.9.12 (DestinationCRM) Beyond the Arc Launches Voice of the Customer Service for Financial Institutions
5.9.12 (Contact Center Solutions) Beyond The Arc Launches Voice of the Customer Consulting Service
4.30.12 (ABA Banking Journal) Are Banks Ready for Pinterest?
3.19.12 (CU Management) Social Media: A Business Tool for Credit Unions?
3.6.12 (InformationWeek) Clarabridge Adds Alerts To Social Media Analytics
2.17.12 (TMCnet) Beyond the Arc Expands Voice of the Customer Solutions
2.15.12 (DestinationCRM) Beyond the Arc Partners with Clarabridge to Expand VoC Offerings
2.13.12 (CU Management) Member Experience and Your Credit Union’s Brand
1.18.12 (BAI Banking Strategies) Social Media for the Bottom Line
1.16.12 (ABA Banking Journal) Making Sense of It All: Don’t underestimate social media impact
1.16.12 (CU Management) The State of Social Media for Credit Unions
1.4.12 (TMCnet) Beyond the Arc Selects Attensity’s CEM Solutions
1.3.12 (American Banker) Social Media’s Passive Risk
1.3.12 (American Banker) Beyond the Arc, Attensity Partner on Social Media Analytics
1.3.12 (DestinationCRM) Beyond the Arc, Attensity Team Up
1.1.12 (TransactionNews) Banking Industry 2012 Predictions/Outlooks

2011/2010 :: In the News

12.23.11 (Anderson Market Research) Social Media AND Text Analytics
12.1.11 (Bank News) Service Evaluates Social Media Campaigns
11.10.11 (Google+) Benchmarking Text Analytics for Social Media Success
11.10.11 (Faster Times) Text Analytics Summit West Kicks Off
11.10.11 (The Fried Side) Financial Services & Social Media
10.25.11 (Social Business Today) Beyond the Arc releases social media mining tool
10.21.11 (Credit Union News) Technology and Marketing
6.16.11 (CXPA) Customer Experience Professionals Association Announces 10 New Founding Corporate Members
10.11.10 (Communications Blog) Change Management in Changing Times: A Q&A with Employee Communications Pros