PR Agency San Francisco
Helping you secure 100’s of news stories
in a top competitive market.
public relations agency for san francisco bay area,
silicon valley, sacramento, fresno and across california
Elevate your brand and drive key initiatives
with public relations that get noticed
AT&T’s PR Agency for Northern California and Northern Nevada
Amplify impact of campaigns
AT&T’s most important public service campaign, “It Can Wait” aimed to stop distracted driving fatalities. With public relations through events, co-sponsorships, and media coverage, we helped the company get the message to millions of Californians.
Improve crisis communications
Managing the impact of natural disasters is tough, and our PR agency made it easier for AT&T. We coordinated gathering, fact checking, and sharing of key information, kept media informed, and worked to preserve and advance AT&T’s reputation.
Promote innovation leadership
To highlight AT&T’s Stores of the Future and industry-leading blazing-speed fiber optic network, we crafted compelling stories for social media and regional television news across California. We also created events at the West Coast flagship store and increased attendance for local events.